Hands of a diverse group of people come together in the center; foreground: career entry icons

German labour market for international students and graduates

Chances and opportunities
Hands of a diverse group of people come together in the center; foreground: career entry icons
Collage: bluebeat76, relif (stock.adobe.com), K. Ulbricht
Event details
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Carl-Zeiss-Straße 3, Lecture hall 7
07743 Jena
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It lectures
Tina Fleischhauer I Agentur für Arbeit Jena
Organized by
Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Career Point
Verena Wilk
Language of the event
Wheelchair access
Registration required

We are explaining the chances of international graduates at the German labour market. The event will show you what German employers are expecting and how the entry in the labour market will succeed.

Tina Fleischhauer studied Business Administration in Erfurt and started her working experience in an H&R Company. Then she decided to travel the world for one year. When she came back in 2007 she started to work for the Agentur für Arbeit in different positions. She has a lot of experience as a consultant mainly for academics.

Please register via mail: career@uni-jena.de

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Handy with a smartphone tipping on the App-Icon of the Career Uni Jena App.

Graphic: pch.vector (freepik.com), pixabay.com, S. Müller | Collage: K. Ulbricht