Two persons standing next to a certificate with University of Jena-sealing.

Career Planning Certificate Programme

Preparation for job entry for students
Two persons standing next to a certificate with University of Jena-sealing.
Graphic: pch.vector ( | Collage: S. Müller, K. Ulbricht

The Career Planning Certificate Programme

student writing on the board

Image: Pixabay l Collage Sabine Müller

Do you want to be a career self-starter when you finish your studies? We can support you during your studies in fashioning your individual career plan and so assist your career start after graduation. Taking part in the programme for a Career Planning Certificate will help you to shape your studies strategically - for academic and vocational success, and to coordinate your extra-curricular activities with an eye to your prospective career choice.

Structured reflection on the transition from university to professional life prepares your path into employment step by step. Moreover, by participating in the programme you acquire competences needed in the labour market and in job hunting.

With the Career Planning Certificate you are able to document your competences as an applicant to make these demonstrable to future employers.

Who can participate in the programme?

  • International students and German students of all study programmes at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena
  • Participation is open to all, regardless of discipline, on a voluntary basis.
  • The certificate is free of charge. For some options, however, you may be required to pay a participation fee. For more information, please refer to our catalogue.

How can you acquire the Career Planning Certificate Programme?

You can participate in a variety of activities, courses and events to prepare for your job entry. For an overview of the requirements please take a look at the checklistpdf, 179 kb · de.

You acquire the Certificate on successful completion of four modulespng, 77 kb · de


  • My reflection on my career start

    What do you expect from your personal career entry?

    We would be glad to help you finding it out. Get the impression of the Thuringian labour market and visit our events to learn what your potential employers expect from you. Benefit from individual counselling, workshops and info-events on application documents and job search.

    In the events calendarExternal link of the Career PointExternal link, you can find various events on the topics mentioned above. You can ask the organizer to confirm your participation and submit the confirmation to the project staff.

  • My profile of competences

    What can you offer a potential employer besides your degree?

    Expand your profile of competences by taking part in activities covering topics, for example: intercultural training, IT skills, language courses, and much more.

    The Language Centre of the Friedrich Schiller University Jena offers a wide range of language courses (modern languages). In most cases, you should register for language courses via the portal FriedolinExternal link. If you want to register for a course on German as a foreign language (DaF), you should register here.

  • My work experience

    Benefit from the partner network of the Universitys Career PointExternal link and gain valuable work experience with internships and part-time jobs. In the job portalExternal link of the Career Point, you can find internships, part-time jobs, opportunities for your final thesis, and more offered by Thuringian companies.

    For current vacancies at the University (e.g. part-time jobs as student assistant or graduate assistants), please click hereExternal link.

  • My voluntary activities

    Gain valuable experience from voluntary activities: spend time networking in social-oriented projects with others and find out in which topics you are interested, and with which you are eager to deal.

    To complete the module My Voluntary Activities, you must meet the minimum requirements and provide supporting documents:

    • participation in the Mentoring ProgrammeExternal link of the International Office at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena for at least one semester
    • other voluntary activity for at least one semester. You may opt for another semester of the Mentoring Programme or for any other voluntary activity within one of the Universitys student groups, preferably one having an intercultural character. The Department for Intercultural Exchange of the Students Council Int.RoExternal link may help you to find the right student group from among a wide variety so that you can actively engage in its activities. You can get a first overview on the university's student groups here.
  • Suggestions for the four modules

    Are you bursting with energy and are looking for exciting free time activities? HereExternal link is a list of events and other opportunities for voluntary and other activities you might take part in during your studies. For more workshops and events you can take a look at the University's Qualifications PortalExternal link.

    Do you want some of these activities become part of your portfolio? Then visit our coordination office after having completed them. Your activities can be recognized within respective modules.


How can I prove my achievements already acquired?

Participants must provide supporting documents certifying that they have completed module elements, e.g. participation certificate or equivalent. You can upload your supporting documents within the webportal of the Career Planning Certificate programme External linkas a PDF file (max. 5 MB per supporting document; one PDF file per supporting document). All students enrolled at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena can registerExternal link there using their existing log-in credentials provided by the University Computer Centre.

How much time should I spare for the Career Planning Certificate Programme?

This depends on your personal time frame, on your previous activities, and experience in your studies. In general, we recommended you to plan two semesters for your participation in the programme. If you already have some experience, e.g. internship, voluntary activities, these may be recognized within respective Certificates modules upon examination of your supporting documents.

If you provide all necessary supporting documents and complete the four modules by the end of your studies at the University (date of termination of enrolment), you will receive the Career Planning Certificate.

What are the benefits of participating in the Career Planning Certificate Programme?

If you participate in the programme, we support you during you preparation for the job entry during your studies. In the programme, you deal with your future career path that you want to pursue after your study programme. A target-oriented and structured reflection process is a significant part of the programme. You can, for example, learn how to write your motivation letter or to prepare your application portfolio for job interviews. After a successful completion of all four modules, you will receive your personal Career Planning Certificate. In the certificate, your activities will be documented according to individual modules.
Thanks to this structured document, you will be able to present your activities and preparation for your job entry during your studies. In addition to your CV, the Career Planning Certificate is a supporting document proving your versatile, career-oriented engagement in the activities apart from your studies thus complementing your profile.

How can I register for the participation in the Career Planning Certificate Programme?

To participate in the programme, please register in our webportalExternal link.


experience report

Thank you very much also for the opportunity to take part in all the activities the Career Point provides, it really helped me to find my first position as a working student, and now the second one. That's awesome opportunity for students to get such support on their first steps in career pat.

Kateryna Biziuk, M.Sc. Economics

  • career plan
    Image: Christoph Worsch
    I have a degree and...

    What can you offer a potential employer besides your degree when you are applying for a job? Expand your profile of competences by taking part in activities covering topics, for example: intercultural training, IT skills, language courses, and much more.

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