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Career Talk: Kevin Rausch about the Diversity of International Experiences

EC2U Online Talk
White wireless headphones on yellow background
Image: EC2U-Alliance
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Kevin Rausch
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Kevin Rausch is an alumnus of the University of Jena and completed semesters abroad in Italy and the United Kingdom. He also did an internship in Italy during his studies and worked as a translator in Spain after graduation.

During these various jobs, he learned to appreciate the diversity of international experiences and in our second Career Talk, he would like to share his experiences with you. In addition, he will talk about the benefits of different cross-cultural experiences for your individual career planning.


Time & place

The Career Talk will be organized on Monday, 24 April 2023, 

at 17:30-18:15 in Coimbra
at 18:30-19:15 in Jena, Pavia, Poitiers and Salamanca
at 19:30-20:15 in Iași and Turku 

The webinar is held in English on Zoom and is open to all students, young researchers and others from the seven EC2U Universities – bringing Coimbra, Iași, Jena, Pavia, Poitiers, Salamanca, and Turku together on one European Campus.



Kevin Rausch is Mobility Coordinator at the University of Applied Science of Schmalkalden


Join the zoom meeting via: https://uni-jena-de.zoom.us/j/68533428195External link

Meeting ID: 685 3342 8195

Code: 509978


EC2U Career Plan Certificate 

This activity is eligible as “Input event” for your EC2U Career Plan Certificate. 

The Career Plan CertificateExternal link is a joint programme of the Career Services from the seven EC2U universities. It helps students to prepare for successful and fulfilling careers. They gain transdisciplinary, intercultural, and intrapersonal skills by different learning offers, required activities, and reflection tasks. After completing all requirements individually, students receive their personal Career Plan Certificate. 

For more information concerning the EC2U Certificate please contact zertikap@uni-jena.de