Kompass auf einer grünen Wiese mit Sommerblumen

Online Course: Telephone & Personal Job Interviews

Preparation and strategies.
Kompass auf einer grünen Wiese mit Sommerblumen
Foto: svyatkovsky.com | Collage: Sabine Müller
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The lecture will be held in English. Language level B2 is recommended.

A good resume may no longer be enough to get you in the door. Increasingly companies or their outside recruiters want you to go through a telephone interview first. We explain differences between a phone interview and normal interview. How to react, how to prepare and how to convince in phone interviews and personal interviews. What to expect during a job interview, tips for tough questions and what you should ask.


Speaker: Anett Reiche | Lecturer | Thuringian Agency For Skilled Personnel Marketing (ThAFF) | Erfurt

  • Anett Reiche is an expert regarding working in Thuringia, standards in application processes and certified in occupational aptitude testing (DIN 33430). She works at the Thuringian Agency For Skilled Personnel Marketing (ThAFF) as lecturer International Workers and Thuringian Employers.


If you want to participate, please register by 8 June 2020 here: https://www.thaff-thueringen.de/veranstaltungen/online-lecture-telephone-personal-job-interviewsExterner Link

Organiser: Career Point