Weiße kabellose Kopfhörer auf gelbem Grund

Career Talk: Elena Farca and Bogdan Babici about strategic career decisions

EC2U Online Almuni Talk
Weiße kabellose Kopfhörer auf gelbem Grund
Foto: EC2U-Alliance
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The  career path is an interesting journey full of opportunities and challenges for all of us. Thus young students, future intellectuals and stakeholders might discover interesting stories offered by two important alumni of Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Romania: Elena Farca and Bogdan Babici. Both of them are top managers in the public and private systems and have a complex area of expertise. They will speak about motivation, strategies and key decisions for a successful career! Join us in this EC2U Career Talk, hosted by the Learning Centre of the Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi.




Elena Farca is Head of International Affairs Office and European Partnership at Iasi  Municipality and she has a complex expertise in public decision making-process and in managing European and international projects.

 Bogdan Babici is Regional Retail Director for Raiffeisen Bank Romania, Moldova Region and he is very familiar with the Romanian banking system due to his long experience in finance management.



Time & place

The Career Talk will be organized on Monday, 15 May 2023, at 15:00-15:45 CET

at 14:00 - 14:45 in Coimbra
at 15:00 - 15:45 in Jena, Pavia, Poitiers and Salamanca
at 16:00 - 16:45 in Iași and Turku 

The event is held in English on Zoom and is open to all students, young researchers and others from the seven EC2U Universities – bringing Coimbra, Iași, Jena, Pavia, Poitiers, Salamanca, and Turku together on one European Campus.

To receive the zoom login data, please email to learning.centre.uaic@gmail.com.



EC2U Career Plan Certificate 

This activity is eligible as “Input event” for your EC2U Career Plan Certificate. 

The Career Plan CertificateExterner Link is a joint programme of the Career Services from the seven EC2U universities. It helps students to prepare for successful and fulfilling careers. They gain transdisciplinary, intercultural, and intrapersonal skills by different learning offers, required activities, and reflection tasks. After completing all requirements individually, students receive their personal Career Plan Certificate. More info: https://ec2u.eu/career-plan-certificate/Externer Link



Organizer: Learning Centre | Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi