Kompass auf einer grünen Wiese mit Sommerblumen

The perfect time to start planning your career is NOW!

How to get on the right path.
Kompass auf einer grünen Wiese mit Sommerblumen
Foto: svyatkovsky.com | Collage: Sabine Müller
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Karriere voraus! Vortragsreihe des Career Service zur Berufsorientierung
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The lecture will be held in English. Language level B2 is recommended.


Can professional success be planned? Is there a typical route to a successful career? The ways to achieve professional success are as diverse as its definitions. This workshop outlines the steps you can take to get on the right path. A must-have to advance your career!


Referentin: Joanna Pawlaczek | Head of Welcome Center | Jena Business Development

  • Joanna Pawlaczek has held various positions in companies across Germany revolving around intercultural organisational development. Consultation, company or organisational support & process refinement regarding diversity, are areas which she has experience. Presently she works at JENA Business Development.


If you would like to participate, please register by 11 May 2021.


Organiser: Career Point

Please subscribe to the online lecture by e-mail: career@uni-jena.de

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